Post Disaster Health Promotion Project


District stakeholders, key informants and DHO annual report suggested that strengthening demand for maternal and child health services are a crucial need in the district.  Focus on increasing utilization of maternal, neonatal and child health services, especially among Tamang, Dalits and Chepang ethnic groups is a key priority. They also revealed the importance of targeting MNCH activities after the disaster.  GTN has expertise of working in the field of maternal and child health for more than a decade.  Evidences suggests that Dalit and ethnic population of Nepal are deprived of basic health services,  Therefore, GTN current project is targeted towards the VDCs, where population of Dalits and ethnic groups are higher than the district ratio.


Green Tara Nepal (GTN) with funding from several partners; Green Tara Trust UK, Karuna Trust, Karuna Germany, Liverpool of John Moores University (LJMU) UK has been implementing a community focused post-disaster health promotion project in Dhading.  The University of Tokyo (UTOKYO) also has been supporting for a few community and school focused activities.  The project plans to set up a local system for engaging community



·      Improving basic care and services from pregnancy to post-partum period

·      Delaying marriage and pregnancy, behavior change of adolescents (KAP/B) on ASRH issues, menstruation hygiene, attitudes towards marriage, sex, GBV relationship, etc.

·      Promote psycho-social support and strengthen referral system

·      Establishing a close coordination and cooperation at local level