Co-producing Stories with Migrants in Nepal (CoSMiN) is a one-year (April 2019 – March 2020) project in partnership with Brighton and Sussex Medical School; School of English, University of Sussex, UK; Green Tara Nepal; and Central Department of English, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. The project is technically monitored by Brighton and Sussex University, UK team and implemented by Nepal research team based in Green Tara Nepal. The project aims to inform the development of a culturally adaptive health education intervention to support the health and wellbeing of Nepalese migrant workers and their left-behind families.
This project has four distinct work packages (WP):
· WP1: Engaging with stakeholders: Engage with key stakeholders to identify and understand local framing of key health issues affecting Nepalese migrant workers and their families.
· WP2: Identification, exploration, and analysis of relevant literary resources: Nepalese literary resources (poems, songs, stories, novels etc.) that are relevant to migration and health of Nepali migrant workers and their family members will be explored and narrative analysis of the identified literary resources will be conducted.
· WP3: Co-production of health education intervention with user groups: The intervention will be co-produced based on findings of qualitative research (WP1) and analysis of the themes from the Nepalese literary resources (WP2). Regular meeting with migrant and families and other stakeholders will be held to co-design the intervention.
· WP4: Develop and pilot survey questionnaire: The team will review the existing survey tools for assessing the Nepalese migrant workers health and wellbeing. Based on this review, and findings from WP1, the research team will develop and pilot the questionnaire among the migrant workers for using in future research studies.
CoSMiN project is led by a group of multi-disciplinary research team with expertise in public health, sexual health, global health, Nepalese literature and migration.
Contact person [UK]: Principal Investigator (PI):
Dr. Priyamvada Paudel P.Paudyal@bsms.ac.uk
Contract person [Nepal]: Co-PI:
Dr. Sharada Pd. Wasti spwasti@gmail.com