Women’s Health Project, Phase-VI
Maternal mortality is one of the challenging fields in the context of developing countries and so is in Nepal. 99% of world maternal mortality is contributed by developing countries only. Among the major reasons behind maternal death, early aged pregnancy and unsafe abortion are considered as foremost factors. And, Family Planning is the key to reduce it. Green Tara Nepal as an implementing partner of Population Service International (PSI), Nepal conducted Women’s Health Project Phase-IV from 2016-2019. This project aims to increase access and use of family planning methods particularly long acting family planning services and safe abortion services to women of reproductive age focusing more on poor and marginalized population. After the successful completion of phase IV, WHP phase V has recently started.
Project at a glance
Title: Women’s Health Project Phase VI
Time Period: Jan, 2022- Nov 2022
Province: 3 (Bagmati)
Locations: 5 districts: Kathmandu, Chitwan, Makwanpur, Kavrepalanchok, Sindhuli.
Financial Support: PSI Nepal
Implementation Partner: Green Tara Nepal
Completed Phases: Women’s Health Project Phase VI (Jan 2022-Nov 2022)
The overall objective of Nepal's Family Planning (FP) program is to improve the health status of all people through informed choice on accessing and using voluntary FP. Specifically:
· Increasing access to and the use of quality FP services that are safe, effective and acceptable to individuals and couples.
· A focus on increasing access to the poor and marginalized people with high unmet need and to postpartum and post-abortion women
· Creating an enabling environment for increasing access to quality FP services to men and women including adolescents
· Increasing the demand for FP services by implementing strategic behavior change communication activities.
Major Activities of Women’s Health Project-VI
1. Regular meetings at a different level with different groups
· Annual Provider Owner Meeting with Monitoring & Evaluation Training
· Conduct Municipality Project Advisory Committee meetings
· Conduct annual provincial meetings
2. Capacity building
· IUCD, Implant and Medical Abortion Trainings to service providers
· Interpersonal and Provider Behavior Change Communication training to community mobilizers (Sub-district Officer).
· Service Quality assurance
2. Conduct RH/ VIA Community Service events
3. Conduct community based Mela
4. Conduct community interaction -advocacy
5. Conduct community coalition event - awareness
6. Conduct felicitation program for graduation of Provider and Owner
7. Service promotion graduating network facility
8. Family Planning and Safe abortion day celebration
9. Youth focused school/college Event (1 events per month per site)-At least 30-40 students
10. Monitoring visit of government officials (Municipalities, Health Office and Facility Assessment for MA Service by Government Officials)
· Good cooperation from province, health office and R/municipalities.
· Common goal, joint efforts and team work
· Capacity buildings
· Strengthen relationship with government counter resulting to high ownership and likely of sustainability
· Acknowledgement from GON stakeholders for working in private sector
· Flexibility in program implementation