The Safe Delivery Project- Nawalparasi (2019-2022)
Background: Green Tara Nepal (GTN) has implemented the “Safe Delivery Project” in southernmost part of Nawalparasi bordering with India from 2012-2018 in Narsahi and Thulo Khairatawa health posts, with financial support from Karuna Deutschland, the German ministry for cooperation and development (BMZ), and the Green Tara Trust (UK). This project aimed to strengthen continuum of care from pregnancy to post-partum period of women particularly in poorer areas of the district; focusing on deprived and disadvantaged people. Attention was paid to increasing access and improving the quality of maternal, neonatal and child health services along with family planning services. In addition, GTN aided in creating demand for health services in the community by hosting health promotion activities
After the immense success of the Phase I of this project; GTN with financial support from Karuna Deutschland and Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (EKFS) expanded to Phase II of the project in 10 birthing centres of Nawalparasi district of Nepal. This is a three-year project (February 2019- to January 2022). This project aims to increase equitable access to reproductive health services by mobilizing local health care workers to conduct health promotion to women of childbearing age and their families to support the uptake of under-utilized Birthing Centres.
The project is generating new evidence on SRHR, and addressing gaps in knowledge, attitudes and behaviour. This project mainly contributes to seven indicators of two Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); SDG (3): Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages and SDG (5): Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
The focus of this phase is to empower women and adolescent girls for their rights and in their decision-making and also to increase access to reproductive health services by mobilizing government and NGO resources through community participation and health promotion. It also aims to support under-utilized BCs through local resource mobilization and training and mentoring of staff.
Project sites
The major project sites cover 10 birthing centres in Nawalparasi four are in rural municipalities and 1 municipality of namely; Palhi Bhagwati, Sarawal, Pratappur, Susta and one municipality namely Bardaghat. These municipalities cover the following health facilities:
1. Palhi PHCC 2. Harpur HP 3. Bhujhawa HP 4. Sarawal HP
5. Thulo Khairatawa HP 6. Jagannathpur PHCC 7. Pratappur HP
8. Narsahi HP 9. Maakar HP 10. Binaya Triveni HP
This project is expected to benefit all women, newborns, under-five years’ children and adolescent girls of five municipalities in Nawalparasi. This project targets around 24,000 women of reproductive age, 4,000 women attending Mothers’ Group meetings, 10,000 Antenatal Care (ANC) service seekers, 10,000 adolescents and 15,000 family planning service seekers.
Major activities:
The major activities include:
· Reinforcement of delivery services from health facilities
o Support equipment and renovation to offer quality SRH services at the health facility
o Training and capacity development of health workers
· Community health promotion
o Community mobilization and health promotion (individual and group focused)
o Strengthening women’s leadership and management capacity
· Collaboration and coordination with local government and health facilities
· Advocacy and lobbying